
The Weary need REST

Weary is a tiny DSL for making the consumption of RESTful web services simple. It is the little brother to HTTParty. It provides a thin, gossamer-like layer over the Net/HTTP library.

The things it do:

  • Quickly build an interface to your favorite REST API.
  • Parse XML and JSON with the Crack library.

Browse the documentation here: http://rdoc.info/projects/mwunsch/weary


  • Crack >= 0.1.2
  • Nokogiri >= 1.3.1 (if you want to use the #search method)
  • Rspec (for running the tests)


You do have Rubygems right?

sudo gem install weary

Quick Start

# http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-users%C2%A0show
class TwitterUser
    extend Weary

    on_domain "http://twitter.com/users/"

    get "show" do |resource|
        resource.with = [:id, :user_id, :screen_name]

user = TwitterUser.new
me = user.show(:id => "markwunsch")
puts me["name"]

Hey, that's me!

How it works

Create a class and extend Weary to give it methods to craft a resource request:

class Foo
    extend Weary

    declare "foo" do |resource|
        resource.url = "http://path/to/foo"

If you instantiate this class, you'll get an instance method named foo that crafts a GET request to "http://path/to/foo"

Besides the name of the resource, you can also give declare_resource a block like:

declare "foo" do |r|
    r.url = "path/to/foo"
    r.via = :post                           # defaults to :get
    r.format = :xml                         # defaults to :json
    r.requires = [:id, :bar]                # an array of params that the resource requires to be in the query/body
    r.with = [:blah]                        # an array of params that you can optionally send to the resource
    r.authenticates = false                 # does the method require basic authentication? defaults to false
    r.follows = false                       # if this is set to false, the formed request will not follow redirects.
    r.headers = {'Accept' => 'text/html'}   # send custom headers. defaults to nil.

So this would form a method:

x = Foo.new
x.foo(:id => "mwunsch", :bar => 123)

That method would return a Weary::Response object that you could then parse or examine.

Parsing the Body

Once you make your request with the fancy method that Weary created for you, you can do stuff with what it returns...which could be a good reason you're using Weary in the first place. Let's look at the above example:

x = Foo.new
y = x.foo(:id => "mwunsch", :bar => 123).parse

Weary parses with Crack. If you have some XML or HTML and want to search it with XPath or CSS selectors, you can use Nokogiri magic:

x = Foo.new
y = x.foo(:id => "mwunsch", :bar => 123)
y.search("foos > user")

If you try to #search a non-XMLesque document, Weary will just throw the selector away and use the #parse method.


Of course, you don't always have to use declare; that is a little too ambiguous. You can also use get, post, delete, etc. Those do the obvious.

The #requires and #with methods can either be arrays of symbols, or a comma delimited list of strings.

Forming URLs

There are many ways to form URLs in Weary. You can define URLs for the entire class by typing:

class Foo
    extend Weary

    on_domain "http://foo.bar/"
    construct_url "<domain><resource>.<format>"
    as_format :xml

    get "show_users"

The string <domain><resource>.<format> helps define a simple pattern for creating URLs. These will be filled in by your resource declaration. The above get declaration creates a url that looks like: http://foo.bar/show_users.xml

If you use the <domain> flag but don't define a domain, an exception will be raised.