MultiWorker Build Status

MultiWorker provides a common interface to the (many) Ruby queueing/worker libraries. They are all very similar, but provide slightly different interfaces. This makes it difficult to switch from one library to another, or to use multiple libraries at the same time.

Similar to MultiJSON or ExecJS, MultiWorker automatically detects installed queuing libaries and the correct adapter is loaded up by default. Changing queueing libraries does not require any change to worker code, as long as the standard interface is used.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'multi_worker'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install multi_worker

Basic Usage

Define worker

require 'sidekiq'
require 'multi_worker'

class ExampleWorker

  def perform(foo, bar)
    # long running code

Queue jobs

ExampleWorker.perform_async(1, 2)
# Equivalent:
MultiWorker.enqueue(ExampleWorker, 1, 2)

Work jobs

Add to Rakefile:

require 'resque'
require 'multi_worker/tasks'

# If not using Rails, define your own :environment task that will require dependencies
task :environment do
  require 'resque'


QUEUE=default rake multi_worker:work

Advanced Configuration

MultiWorker.configure do
  default_queue :processing
  default_adapter :resque
  default_options :retry => true

class AdvancedWorker
  worker :queue => :background, :unique => true, :adapter => :sidekiq

  def perform(foo)

Feature Comparison

Library Backends Status Retry Lock Unique Scheduling Priority Async Method Proxy Rake Task Inline
Resque Redis Gem Gem Gem Gem Gem Gem
Sidekiq Redis Gem Gem Gem
Delayed Job Active Record, Mongo
Qu Redis, Mongo, SQS
Queue Classic PostgreSQL
Que PostgreSQL
Sneakers RabbitMQ
TorqueBox Backgroundable HornetQ
Backburner Beanstalkd
Threaded in Memory Queue In-Memory N/A
Sucker Punch In-Memory N/A
Inline N/A N/A


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request