
:heavy_exclamation_mark: currently a functioning WIP thats not quite finished yet but its close! :heavy_exclamation_mark:

A flexible synchronisation library for your assets.

MultiSync stands on the shoulders of giants. On one side is Celluloid allowing for the synchronisation of assets to be highly parallel. On the other is Fog::Storage allowing MulitSync to support various well known storage services.

What that means is when your configuring MultiSync your creating various pools of workers which then distrubute the work behind synchronising your assets. Meaning that when your site has thousands of files, you get alot more :boom: for your :dollar: in less :alarm_clock:.

MultiSync tries to expose its asset synchronisation in a flexible way which should allow you to define how and where your assets live. Where possible though, MultiSync will try to provide support for various well known libraries.

Listed below are examples of how to get setup and started.


ruby gem 'multi_sync', '~> 0.0.1'

```ruby require ‘multi_sync’

MultiSync.configure do |config| # config.verbose = false # turn on verbose logging (defaults to false) # config.force = false # force syncing of outdated_files (defaults to false) # config.run_on_build = true # when within a framework which builds assets, whether to sync afterwards (defaults to true) # config.sync_outdated_files = true # when an outdated file is found whether to replace it (defaults to true) # config.delete_abandoned_files = true # when an abondoned file is found whether to remove it (defaults to true) # config.upload_missing_files = true # when a missing file is found whether to upload it (defaults to true) # config.target_pool_size = 8 # how many threads you would like to open for each target (defaults to the amount of CPU core’s your machine has) # config.max_sync_attempts = 3 # how many times a file should be retried if there was an error during sync (defaults to 3) end ```

Fog credentials support

MultiSync supports utilising Fog Credentials. Simply specify either a FOG_RC or .fog and we’ll use it as the base for any :credentials used in a target.

Features / Usage Examples

MultiSync in its simplist form consists of three objects. sources, resources and targets. A source defines how and where a list of files (or resources) can be found. A resource represents a file from a source with additional properties (such as how to compare them). A target is destination which resources can be synchronised against.


A source takes two arguments. The first is a name to reference this source by and the second is a Hash of configuration detailed below.

| Key | Type | Default | Description | | :– | :— | :—— | :———- | | type | Symbol | nil | The type of source this is (:local, :manifest) | | source_dir | Pathname, String | nil | The location this source should use | | resource_options | Hash | nil | A hash of options for this sources resources | | targets | Symbol, Array | All targets | The target(s) this source should sync against | | include | String ([shell glob]( | */ | A shell globe to use for inclusion | | exclude | String ([shell glob]( | nil` | A shell globe to use for exclusion | ___

ruby # A source named ':build' which is ':local' and will use all files within '../build' source :build, { type: :local, source_dir: '../build' } ___

ruby # A source named ':assets' which will use a Sprockets ':manifest' within '../public/assets' source :assets, { type: :manifest, source_dir: '../public/assets' } ___

ruby # A source named ':video_assets' which is `:local' and will use all files # within '../build' including only 'mp4, mpg, mov' source :video_assets, { type: :local, source_dir: '../build', include: '*.{mp4,mpg,mov}' } ___

ruby # A source named ':no_images' which is `:local' and will use all files # within '../build' excluding any 'jpg, gif, png' source :no_images, { type: :local, source_dir: '../build', exclude: '*.{jpg,gif,png}' } ___

ruby # A source named ':www' which will use a Sprockets ':manifest' # within '../public/assets' excluding any 'jpg, gif, png' files # and only synchronising with a target named `:www` source :www, { type: :manifest, source_dir: '../public/assets', exclude: '*.{jpg,gif,png}', targets: :www } ___

ruby # A source named ':image_assets' which will use a Sprockets ':manifest' # within '../public/assets' including only 'jpg, gif, png' files # which sets `cache_control` and `expires` headers and # synchronises with the target `:images` source :image_assets, { type: :manifest, source_dir: '../public/assets', include: '*.{jpg,gif,png}', resource_options: { cache_control: 'public, max-age=31557600', expires: CGI.rfc1123_date( + 31557600) }, targets: :images }


ruby ...

Supported Libraries

  • Rails
  • Sinatra (WIP)
  • Middleman (WIP)
  • Jekyll (WIP)
  • Nanoc (WIP)
  • POR
  • Rake (WIP)


Gem Version Build Status Code Quality Gittip

Supported Storage Services

Behind the scenes we’re using Fog::Storage which allows us to support the most popular storage providers

Supported Ruby Versions

This library aims to support and is tested against the following Ruby implementations:
