MUI for Sass

Gem Version Build Status

MUI is a lightweight CSS framework that follows Google's Material Design guidelines

mui-sass is a Sass-powered version of MUI framework for your Ruby applications.

mui-sass allows to include MUI framework Sass and JavaScript components. React, Angular, HTML Email, WebComponents are not included.


Ruby on Rails

Open your Rails application's Gemfile and add this line:

gem 'mui-sass'

Save Gemfile and execute bundle command to install the gem.

Open app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss file and add this line:

@import 'mui';

Note: Default Rails installation comes with .css file extension for stylesheet assests files, make sure you change it to .scss and remove all the *= require_tree . and *= require_self statements from file. Alternatively, to keep original application.css file, you can create custom.scss file in the same folder and import mui there.

Open app/assets/javascripts/application.js file and add this line:

//= require mui

Restart Rails web server if it was running and now your Rails application is powered by Sass version of MUI framework.


By default, using @import 'mui'; and //= require mui, all of MUI components are imported.

You can also import individual Sass components.

First you need to include core components:

// Normalizer
@import "mui/normalize-3.0.3";
// Core variables and mixins
@import 'mui/colors';
@import 'mui/variables';
@import 'mui/mixins';
// CSS Reboot
@import "mui/reboot";

Then include desired Sass component:

// Components
@import "mui/appbar";
@import "mui/buttons";
@import "mui/checkbox-and-radio";
@import "mui/containers";
@import "mui/divider";
@import "mui/dropdown";
@import "mui/form";
@import "mui/grid";
@import "mui/panel";
@import "mui/select";
@import "mui/table";
@import "mui/tabs";
@import "mui/textfield";
// Miscellaneous
@import "mui/helpers";
@import "mui/overlay";
@import "mui/ripple";
@import "mui/typography";


Sass version of MUI framework provides many variables to make customization process convenient. The full set of MUI variables can be found here

To override the variable it must be redefined before the @import directive, like this:

$mui-base-font-size: 16px !default;
@import 'mui';


MUI for Sass follows the upstream version of MUI framework, but last version number may be ahead, in case there is a need to release project specific changes. Some upstream versions may be skipped if they include no Sass/JavaScript related changes.

Please always refer to the CHANGELOG when upgrading.


Anyone is welcome to contribute to MUI Sass. Please raise an issue, fork the project, make changes to your forked repository and submit a pull request.


MUI © Andres Morey, 2015. Released under the MIT license.

mui-sass © Dmitriy Tarasov, 2015. Released under the MIT license.