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Mugen is API wrapper for MyGengo( and scaffold generator for existing rails app


Working best with Rails3 and jQuery

Rails 3.x

Add gems to your Gemfile and bundle install it: gem 'haml' gem 'mugen'

Generate scaffold: $ rails generate mugen

Install rails3_before_render plugin $ rails plugin install git://

Configure API keys in config/initializers/mugen.rb: Mugen.api_key = '' Mugen.private_key = ''

Start server and enjoy

Rails 2.x

Add gems to config/environment.rb config.gem 'haml' config.gem 'mugen'

Next install gems via gem install mugen
or rake gems:install

Next generate scaffold

$ script/generate mugen

Install rails3_before_render plugin $ rails plugin install git://

Configure API keys in config/initializers/mugen.rb Start server and enjoy


See routes.rb for url mappings. Default page is here (http://localhost:3000/mygengo/account)


To debug http-requests, uncomment following line in lib/mugen/client.rb:

debug_output $stderr


  • remove csrf_tag in layout file for rails2
  • I18n
  • made js agnostic
  • cover everything with tests
  • Something really bad happening with css


Copyright (c) 2011 Vladimir Penkin