
A Pub/Sub API/framework for MuchRails using ActiveJob.


Add an ActiveJob to publish events

In e.g. app/jobs/pub_sub_publish_job.rb:

class PubSubPublishJob < ApplicationJob
  include MuchRailsPubSub::PublishJobBehaviors

  # add any additional desired ActiveJob configurations
  queue_as :critical

Add a config file for event subscriptions

Create an empty config file named e.g. config/pub_sub.rb. This file will hold the configured event subscriptions.

Add an initializer

This will configure the PubSubPublishJob and load subscriptions in config/pub_sub.rb. In e.g. config/initializers/pub_sub.rb:

MuchRailsPubSub.configure do |config|
  config.publish_job = PubSubPublishJob
  config.logger = Rails.logger

# `MuchRailsPubSub` needs to load subscriptions after the Rails app has
# been initialized. This allows initialization callbacks to configure
# `ActiveJob` before pub/sub job classes are required and evaluated by
# loading subscriptions.
Rails.application.config.after_initialize do


Add an event handler job

In e.g. app/jobs/events/thing/create_v1_job.rb:

class Events::Thing::CreatedV1Job < ApplicationJob
  def perform(params)
    puts "do something when a Thing is created ..."
    puts "params: #{params.inspect}"

Subscribe the event handler job to an event

In e.g. config/pub_sub.rb:

MuchRailsPubSub.subscribe "thing.created.v1",
                          job: Events::Thing::CreatedV1Job

Publish the event in your code


MuchRailsPubSub.publish("thing.created.v1", key: "value")

In the Rails logger:

Enqueued PubSubPublishJob (Job ID: fc834ce6-2f2d-4953-bb83-e9a272bf2a08) to Sidekiq(critical) with arguments: {"event_id"=>"5aaa5129-69b5-46fe-bff3-2e60c9749d62", "event_name"=>"thing.created.v1", "event_params"=>{:key=>"value"}}
2021-06-16T13:14:15.116Z pid=31539 tid=mxn INFO: [MuchRailsPubSub] Published "thing.created.v1":
  ID: "5aaa5129-69b5-46fe-bff3-2e60c9749d62"
  PARAMS: {:key=>"value"}

2021-06-16T13:14:15.117Z pid=31902 tid=e62 class=PubSubPublishJob jid=1e73eeee286bebe1f57a0e97 INFO: start
2021-06-16T13:14:15.126Z pid=31902 tid=e0y class=Events::Thing::CreatedV1Job jid=f22958c1fa80a4aee91b2731 INFO: start
2021-06-16T13:14:15.127Z pid=31902 tid=e62 class=PubSubPublishJob jid=1e73eeee286bebe1f57a0e97 INFO: [MuchRailsPubSub] Dispatched 1 subscription job(s) for "thing.created.v1" (5aaa5129-69b5-46fe-bff3-2e60c9749d62):
  - Events::Thing::CreatedV1Job
2021-06-16T13:14:15.127Z pid=31902 tid=e62 class=PubSubPublishJob jid=1e73eeee286bebe1f57a0e97 elapsed=0.01 INFO: done
do something when a Thing is created ...
params: {:key=>"value"}
2021-06-16T13:14:15.129Z pid=31902 tid=e0y class=Events::Thing::CreatedV1Job jid=f22958c1fa80a4aee91b2731 elapsed=0.002 INFO: done


Event Handler Jobs

These are just ActiveJobs; test them like you would test any other ActiveJob.

Event publishes

MuchRailsPubSub comes with a TestPublisher and TestingPublishedEvents classes that produce the same side-effects of publishing an event without actually publishing the event. You can then test for these side-effects, in e.g. unit tests, to verify event publishes are happening as expected.

This example assumes you are using Assert as your test framework. However, this can be adapted to whatever framework you use.

In e.g. test/helper.rb

require "test/support/fake_logger"
require "much-rails-pub-sub"

MuchRailsPubSub.config.logger =

Assert::Context.teardown do

In a test:

MuchRailsPubSub.publish("thing.created.v1", key: "value")

latest_event = MuchRailsPubSub.published_events.last
assert_that(latest_event.params).equals(key: "value")


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "much-rails-pub-sub"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install much-rails-pub-sub


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "Added some feature")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request