

This gem makes working with menu structures in Rails easier.


The current version creates:

  • a controller for editing the menu

    • views associated to methods written in rjs

    • a partial for rendering the menu(for example to be rendered from a menu)

    • a helper to configure its working in normal mode and edit mode, selection of menu depths(levels) to be shown

    • the builtin functions are (add, delete, edit, move up, move down)

  • a model for storing the menu with fields absolute_position and depth to improve performance when the menu is in normal mode

  • a generator for rails to ease the developers work for using this gem, the menu generator creates a template menu structure that the developer can customize.

  • uses session to identify the selected menu

  • possibility to render different menu depths in different places

  • added a publish button in order to hide or set visible menus (publish model field)


  • Currently writing tests to ensure proper working for future versions.


  • Rails 2.2


  • You can have multiple partials rendering different parts of the menu. Include in your partial the following line:

    • <% mega_menus(name_of_the_menu_model, ‘name_of_the_menu_controller’, par, arr, parent_id) %>

    • where par is the either TRUE(editor mode) or FALSE(normal mode), arr is an array containing the interval of depths to be shown(2..3 means display menus with depths 2 and 3), parent_id determines to which parent are this children related to( 5 would mean show only children whoose ancestor has id parent_id)

  • If you have multiple partials you should edit the rjs files in order to assure proper updating of each partial. By default only the generated partial is updated.

  • The menu is located in <ul id=“ul_menu_#mm.depth” class=“ul_menu_depth_#mm.depth”>

  • The selected menu is located in <li class=“li_menu_class_selected”>

  • This two id and class values can be easly changed by editing the mega_menu partial and its helper.


  • script/generate menu menu_name