
Gem Version Dependency Status Code Climate

Simple gem to rename the mp4 or m4a file by adding the running time to the input file name.

e.g. If the input file name is introduction.mp4 and it contain 00:54 of running time then the file would be renamed to introduction_00_54.mp4 e.g. .mp4

  • Support the *.m4a and *.mp4 file formats only

Sample Usage

  • Install the gem
$gem install mp4_renamer
  • Running the command without any argument will show the default help message

Should show the following output

  mp4_renamer [options]

  -b, [--base-dir=BASE_DIR]        # Starting directory
                                   # Default: . (current directory)
  -r, [--recursive=RECURSIVE]      # Perform the operation recursively
                                   # Default: true
  -c, [--commit], [--no-commit]    # Commit your changes
                                   # Default: --no-commit
  -v, [--version], [--no-version]  # Display version number
                                   # Default: --no-version

Execute the main program
  • Running the default command to see what will the result be like without making any changes (dry-run)
mp4_renamer --base-dir . --recursive

# or short version
mp4_renamer -b . -r

Should show outputs similar to the following

FYI: your options {:base_dir=>".", :recursive=>true, :commit=>false, :version=>false}
FYI: this is a dry-run only, to commit your changes use --commit option
FYI: input file : ./fixtures/01.mp4
FYI: output file: ./fixtures/01_00_54.mp4
FYI: input file : ./fixtures/02.mp4
FYI: output file: ./fixtures/02_00_54.mp4
  • To make your change permanent just add the --commit flag
mp4_renamer --base-dir . --recursive --commit
# or short version
mp4_renamer -b . -r -c

Why is this useful?

  • Know how long it will take to watch the video
  • Give you the context without the need to open file and look at the running time of a given file
  • To make your output even more useful, try using this with filename_cleaner gem


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mp4_renamer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mp4_renamer


Use as library try

require 'mp4_renamer'
include Mp4Renamer
# then call the appropriate functions


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request