
Automatically organize movies, tv shows ~~and home videos~~. NOTE: home videos are temporarily disabled for now

I use Plex as the centerpiece of my home entertainment center, which requires that I rip my BluRay movies and TV shows, and copy them into a certain location so my Plex server can recognize them.

MovieOrganizer makes the job of organizing my ripped movies, tv shows ~~and home videos~~ as simple as:


Starting MovieOrganizer...
Processing [/Users/midwire/Downloads/The Matrix (1990).mp4] - MovieOrganizer::Movie
    target dir: [ssh://username@plex_server/media/movies/The Matrix (1990)]
    target file: [ssh://username@plex_server/media/movies/The Matrix (1990)/The Matrix (1990).mp4]



  • Copies media to remote hosts
  • Can differentiate between most Movies, TV Shows ~~and Home Video~~ if they are named properly, and copy each to the appropriately configured directory. See Plex Media Preparation
  • Uses The Movie Database for movie identification
  • Uses The TV DB for TV show identification


Note that this is beta software. I wrote it as a hack because I got tired of constantly copying my media over to Plex by hand. It does a decent job of recognizing and grooming media filenames but it is not perfect. There are edge cases that are not covered for really wonky filenames. If you find a bug or problem, please file an issue and I'll address it ASAP.


$ gem install movie_organizer


Sign up for an account at The Movie Database and get an API key. Sign up for an account at The TV DB and get an API key.

Create a file in your home directory named .movie_organizer.yml as follows:

- "/Users/midwire/media_rips" # <- new media (source) directory
  :tvdb_key: df08efec9f01985d401a3cfedf5628a2 # <- use your own API key (this one is fake)
  :directory: "/Volumes/Genesis/TV Series" # <- a local directory
  :tmdb_key: df08efec9f01985d401a3cfedf5628a2 # <- use your own API key (this one is fake)
  :directory: ssh://[email protected]/media/media1/movies # <- remote directory
  :directory: "ssh://[email protected]/media/media1/Family Videos" # <- remote directory

NOTE: If your Plex media is on a remote host, you will need to configure passwordless logins using your ssh-key, which is outside the scope of this document. If you don't know how, please do a search for ssh public key authentication.

You can also set your api keys, TMDB_KEY and TVDB_KEY as environment variables, in which case they will be used instead of the corresponding settings in your .movie_organizer.yml file. In other words, the environment variables override the .yml file. Useful for testing.

Remote hosts are specified in this format:



If you have the yaml configuration settings configured correctly, you should be able to simply run movie_organizer. However, it tries to prompt for most missing settings.

Here are the command line options:

  -s, --source-dir=<s>    Source directories containing media files. Colon (:) separated.
  -c, --copy              Copy instead of Move files
  -d, --dry-run           Do not actually move or copy files
  -v, --verbose           Be verbose with output
  -h, --help              Show this message


  • Consolidate and better manage regular expressions
  • Handle multi-part movies and videos Beetlejuice (1996)-part1.mp4, Beetlejuice (1996)-part2.mp4, etc.


The Movie Database

TMDB Logo We are pleased to have access to The Movie Database API. This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.


We are also pleased to have access to The TV DB API. Please help by contributing TV Show information and artwork.