

MotionConfig allows you to define string settings for you RubyMotion project without putting them in the Rakefile. You can set user level settings and app level settings.

After installation, the first rake will create two files

  • ~/.motion_config.yml # this is the user level config file

  • /path/to/your_rm_project/.motion_config.yml # this is the app level config file

App level config file take precedence over user level config file.


gem install 'motion-config'

require 'motion-config' in the Rakefile


gem 'motion-config' in your Gemfile


1) Run rake to create files

2) Edit files ~/.motion_config.yml or /path/to/your_rm_project/.motion_config.yml

This is YAML and you can only set strings or this will fail, example yaml config :

api_endpoint: ""
FacebookAPPID: "323232DQSDQDDS"

3) You now have access to ENV['api_endpoint'] in your app or your Rakefile