Class: Mosaico::VersafixTemplate

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Unfortunately the versafix-1 template contains several image assets whose paths contain “google+”, which sprockets appears not to like. Rails will refuse to serve these assets, resulting in errors and several broken images on the page. This class fixes the issues by replacing “google+” with “google_plus” and serving renamed assets on-the-fly. It’s more complicated, yes, but means the original image and template files don’t have to be modified.

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from Template


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Template

#dir, #name, #registered, #subdirs

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Template

#asset_paths, #edres_path, #full_name, #initialize, #register!, #template_content, #template_path, #template_url, #url

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Mosaico::Template