MortalToken, because some tokens shouldn’t live forever

MortalToken is a library for creating tokens that self-destruct after a specified time. No need to store and look up the token; it is self-verifying and self-expiring.

I found myself wanting simple, secure (never a good mix), and not necessarily encrypted auth tokens for some Sinatra apps. I wanted them to expire, but didn’t want to keep track of them. Not finding anything, this library emerged. The default lifespan is two of your Earth days. This does not mean “48 hours from when it was created”. It means that the key will be valid throughout “today” and “tomorrow”. If the lifespan were one day, a key created at 23:59 would expire at 00:00.


  1. Generate a new token

  2. Give the client the resulting hash and salt

  3. crickets

  4. Receive a hash and salt from client

  5. Reconstitute the token from the salt, and test if the hashes match

Read the full documentation at


This is not intended to be the most secure thing ever, but for all I know it’s less secure than I think. Suggestions and pull requests are welcomed.

Also, it is very early and the API may go through significant changes.


Though my example is a Sinatra app, it need not be. In fact, it needn’t have anything to do with the Web. It’s useful anytime you want a self-contained, self-expiring token (w/ salt).

require 'mortal-token'

# You MUST set a secret key! Otherwise, anyone who looks at the source code will be able to forge tokens.
MortalToken.secret = 'asdf092$78roasdjfjfaklmsdadASDFopijf98%2ejA#Df@sdf'

post '/login' do
    # Create a brand new token. Store the resulting hash and salt.
    token =
    session[:token] = token.hash
    session[:salt] = token.salt

    redirect '/secret'

get '/secret' do
  # Attempt to reconstitute the original token, using the salt
  token =[:salt])

  # Test if the token still is (or ever was) valid
  if token == session[:token]
    'Go away!'

Checking tokens

These are all valid means of checking a token’s validity. In this case, they will all return true. == and === are treated the same.

token_a =
token_b =

token_a == token_b
token_a == token_b.to_s
token_a == token_b.hash
token_a.to_s == token_b.to_s
token_a.hash == token_b.hash
token_a.to_s == token_b.hash

Tweak token parameters

You may tweak certain parameters of the library in order to make it more secure, less, faster, etc. These are the defaults (see the MortalToken class for documentation about each parameter):

MortalCoil.rounds = 5
MortalCoil.valid_across = 2
MortalCoil.max_salt_length = 50
MortalCoil.min_salt_length = 10


Copyright 2012 Jordan Hollinger

Licensed under the Apache License