= MoreMoney -- A library to manage money

MoreMoney allows you to handle money without having to use a float/decimal
field to store the amount in the database.

MoreMoney is a fork of the original Money gem written by Tobias Luetke

The original project can be found at

Main differences from the original gem are the capability to manage the nil
value, an increased flexibility in formatting and the support for any currency

== Usage example:

require 'more_money'

#add the US dollar currency

MoreMoney::Money.add_currency(=> 'USD', :symbol => '$', :description => 'us_dollar')

#add the british pound

MoreMoney::Money.add_currency(=> 'GBP', :symbol => '£', :description => 'gb_pound')

#now is possible to instantiate some objects

ten_pounds = MoreMoney::Money.gp_pound(1000)
ten_bucks = MoreMoney::Money.us_dollar(1000)

=> "£ 10.00"

=> "$ 10.00"

== Configuration

No configuration is needed to use the library, just extend your class

== Dependencies

No dependencies are required

== Download

The latest version of Simple Descriptor can be found at


Documentation can be found at


== Installation

Installation can be done using gem command

gem install more_money

== License

Simple Descriptor is released under the MIT license.

== Support


== Author

Original Author of MoreMoney is Paolo Negri
MoreMoney is a fork of the original Money gem written by Tobias Luetke