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Finally a bank with an API




$ monzo-cli balance

| Balance | Spent today |
| £490    | £10         |


$ monzo-cli accounts

| Description         | Date created         |
| Peter Pans Account  | 2015-11-13T12:17:42Z |


gem install monzo-cli

Get your access tokens from this URL:

Please create/edit it on ~/.monzo-cli.yml with this format:

user_id: 18231092askdas9212
account_id: acc_0aksdaklsjSh28181
access_token: Qnjdas8hakxdjasQscGVgnVGIVXpvpZ5uCxkQ5XLnDHnOPoBtXreQ6adBo


I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 24-48 hours to respond to any issue or request. Here are some basic rules to follow to ensure timely addition of your request:

  1. If its a feature, bugfix, or anything please only change code to what you specify.
  2. Please keep PR titles easy to read and descriptive of changes, this will make them easier to merge :)
  3. Pull requests must be made against develop branch. Any other branch (unless specified by the maintainers) will get rejected.
  4. Check for existing issues first, before filing an issue.
  5. Have fun!

Created & Maintained By

Cesar Ferreira (@cesarmcferreira)