Ruby Trello Lite

This is a learning project using this gem: ruby-trello.

The idea behind this project is to replicate some features using the examples in the gem's documentation.

Other ways to enhance this project

  • Practice delegation (Forwardable)
  • Practice ActiveModel

How to use this project

  1. Get your Trello API keys:
  2. Clone the project to your local repository
  3. In your repository, add require './lib/trello' in your "play" script. run.rb is provided as an example.
  4. Run your script

Features implemented so far:

  1. Configuration
Trello.configure do |config|
  config.consumer_key = TRELLO_CONSUMER_KEY
  config.oauth_token = TRELLO_OAUTH_TOKEN
  1. Member information
bob = Trello::Member.find("bobtester")

# Print out his name
puts bob.full_name # "Bob Tester"

# Print his bio
puts # A wonderfully delightful test user
  1. List member boards (returns an array instead of ActiveModel:Associations)
# Print boards

puts bob.boards

# Optional: limit the number of boards to view

puts bob.boards(10)

  1. Find board (Custom to this gem)

okrs_board = bob.find_board("okrs")

puts okrs_board

  1. Get all the lists of that board and their names

puts okrs_board.lists

# print all the list names of that board
okrs_board.lists.each do |list|

  1. Get all the cards of a list and get all their names do |card|


  • Use active model so bob.boards returns a ActiveRecord-style associations object instead of just an array

Things I've Learned:

  • How configuration through a block works (search for Trello.configure)
  • How you can get standard libraries to work in local (especially when autoload is used) ($LOAD_PATH.unshift 'lib'). This is true in the case where you use the original library
  • Metaprogramming hacks
    • What I've noticed is that it's mainly a tool to add instance variables, methods, and classes after it has been defined. It reminds me of the way you can set methods in javascript after an object has been defined.
  • Memoization: this is a way for you to easily define and reference instance variables without doing too many expensive method calls.

New techniques used:

  • When consuming the JSON response of the API, assign it to an @attributes instance variable. In the future, you can do metaprogramming to automatically produce instance methods for this.

    def find(username)
      url = "{username}?fields=all&#{credentials}"
      @attributes = Trello.parse(url)