

An easy way to add restful actions

Mongosteen is a library that helps to easily add restful actions to mongoid models and adds support of search, pagination, scopes, json config and history.

Mongosteen is based on inherited_resources gem, get yourself familiar on how it works and setup using it's documentation.


  1. Add Mongosteen to your Gemfile:
  gem 'mongosteen'
  1. Create controller for the model (e.g. Post):
  class PostsController < ApplicationController
  1. Connect new controller in routes.rb:
  resources :posts

Mongosteen API


Index supports search, page, perPage and scope parameters:


Check out external gems documentation to see what options they provide:

  • mongoid_search — search for mongoid models;
  • kaminari — generic Rails pagination solution;
  • has_scope — easy way to access mongoid model scopes via controller;


Get specific resource version:


No how to add history support for mongoid model, check out:

JSON config for model

Some times there is a need to configure json output for the model, for example to add model method to output or to exclude some internal fields. Mongosteen provides an easy and isolated way to do that in models controller using json_config method:

  class PostsController < ApplicationController
    json_config({ methods: [ :published_at ] })

json_config accepts configuration hash and passes it to as_json method when render output.

Sorted Relations

In Mongoid, the HABTM relations return docs in the wrong order. This workaround gives your document the ability to retrieve it's relations in the same order it was placed in. This is refactored version of an original mongoid-sorted-relations gem.

For more details about this issue, see #1548.

Usage example:

  class Post
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Mongoid::SortedRelations

    has_and_belongs_to_many :authors

  post = title: 'Restful actions with Mongosteen'
  post.authors << Author.create name: "Alexander Kravets"
  post.authors << Author.create name: "Roman Brazhnyk"
  post.authors << Author.create name: "Maxim Melnyk"
  #=> ['Alexander Kravets', 'Roman Brazhnyk', 'Maxim Melnyk']

Check out orignal gem documentation for more usage examples.

Permitted Parameters

For easiness of prototyping, Mongosteen has a workaround that allows all input parameters for create and update methods. This default behaviour can be overriden by using permitted_params method inside of models controller, e.g.:

  class Admin::PostsController < Admin::BaseController


    def permitted_params
      params.permit(:post => [:title, :body])

Serializable Model Id

By default mongoid model serializes document id into hash, to override that add Mongoid::SerializedId to model class:

  class Post
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Mongoid::SortedRelations
    include Mongoid::SerializedId

The Mongosteen family

  • Character: A simple and lightweight javascript library for building data management web apps


Slate Studio

Mongosteen is maintained and funded by Slate Studio, LLC. Tweet your questions or suggestions to @slatestudio and while you’re at it follow us too.


Copyright © 2015 Slate Studio, LLC. Mongosteen is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the license.