Mongoid Monkey Build Status

Monkey Patches for Mongoid

Mongoid Monkey is a collection of monkey patches for Mongoid 3, 4, 5, including feature backports, fixes, and forward compatibility.


The patches in this gem will change/override the behavior of Mongoid. While effort has been made to be as backward compatible as possible, use at your own risk.


In your Gemfile, require this gem after requiring mongoid.

Version Requirement

  • Works with Mongoid 3, 4, 5
  • Due to the list_collections patch, this gem requires at least MongoDB 3.0. Other patches will work on older MongoDB versions.

Patch List

Installing this gem will apply all monkey patches for the Mongoid version you are using. If you would only like some of the patches, please copy and paste the code to your app directly (e.g. /config/initializers if using Rails.)

= This gem adds support × = This gem does not yet support (PRs welcome!) = Already supported natively

File Description 3 4 5
atomic.rb Backport syntax change of atomic query methods.
big_decimal.rb Fixes buggy BigDecimal behavior.
db_commands.rb Use MongoDB 3.0+ command syntax; required for WiredTiger.
instrument.rb Backport instrumentation change to Moped 1.
reorder.rb Backport Criteria#reorder method from Mongoid 4.
only_pluck_localized.rb Backport PR #4299 from Mongoid 6 which fixes #only, #without, and #pluck with localized fields. × ×
embedded_touch.rb (1) Backport Issue #3310 from Mongoid 4 to add :touch option to embedded_in.
embedded_touch.rb (2) Backport PR #4392 from Mongoid 6 to fix an infinite loop issue related to :touch callbacks.
index_options.rb Backport latest index valid index options from Mongoid 6.


  • This project is licensed under the MIT License.
  • Some code in this repo is adapted from the fantastic work of Durran Jordan, et. al. on Mongoid.
  • (c) Copyright 2016 Johnny Shields.