Mongoid LocalizedSlug

WARNING: This is a simplified version of the mongoid-slug gem that supports localized fields. It DOES NOT support nor embedded objects neither slug history. If you need any of those features stick with the original gem.

Mongoid LocalizedSlug generates a URL slug or permalink based on one localized fields in a Mongoid model. It sits idly on top of stringex, supporting non-Latin characters.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'mongoid_localized_slug'


Set up a slug:

class Book
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::LocalizedSlug

  field :title, localize: true
  slug :title, index: true

Create a record with multiple translations:

I18n.locale = :en
book = Book.create(:title => "A Thousand Plateaus")
I18n.locale = :es
book.update_attribute :title, 'Mil Mesetas'

Find a record by its slug:

# GET /books/a-thousand-plateaus
book = Book.find_by_slug params[:book_id]
# GET /books/mil-mesetas
book = Book.find_by_slug params[:book_id] # matches the same Book object

Reserved Slugs

Pass words you do not want to be slugged using the reserve option:

class Friend
  include Mongoid::Document

  field :name
  slug :name, reserve: ['admin', 'root']

friend = Friend.create name: 'admin'
Friend.find_by_slug('admin') # => nil
friend.slug # => 'admin-1'