
A collection of concerns and extensions to add functionality to Mongoid documents and collections.

The Mixins


require 'mongoid/sleeping_king_studios/has_tree'

Sets up a basic tree structure by adding belongs_to :parent and has_many :children relations, as well as some helper methods.

From 0.2.0 to 0.3.1, was Mongoid::SleepingKingStudios::Tree

How To Use:

class TreeDocument
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::SleepingKingStudios::HasTree

end # class


You can pass customisation options for the generated relations into the ::has_tree method.

class EvilEmployee
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::SleepingKingStudios::HasTree

  has_tree :parent => { :relation_name => :overlord },
    :children => { :relation_name => :minions, :dependent => :destroy }
end # class

Available options include the standard Mongoid options for a :belongs_to and a :has_many relationship, respectively. In addition, you can set a :relation_name option to change the name of the created relation (see example above). The concern will automatically update the respective :inverse_of options to match the updated relation names.

Cache Ancestry

Stores the chain of ancestors in an :ancestor_ids array field, and adds the #ancestors and #descendents scopes.

class AncestryTree
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::SleepingKingStudios::HasTree

  has_tree :cache_ancestry => true
end # class


You can customize the ancestry cache by passing in a hash of options as the :cache_ancestry value in the ::has_tree method.

class PartGroup
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::SleepingKingStudios::HasTree

  # This creates the #assemblies method and #assembly_ids field.
  has_tree :cache_ancestry => { :relation_name => :assemblies }
end # class
  • foreign_key: The name of the field used to store the ancestor references. Defaults to 'ancestor_ids'.
  • relation_name: The name of the generated relation for the array of parent objects. Defaults to 'ancestors'.

Warning: Using this option will make many write operations much, much slower and more resource-intensive. Do not use this option outside of read-heavy applications with very specific requirements, e.g. a directory structure where you must access all parent directories on each page view.


require 'mongoid/sleeping_king_studios/orderable'

Adds a field that tracks the index of each record with respect to the provided sort order parameters.

How To Use:

class OrderedDocument
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::SleepingKingStudios::Orderable

  cache_ordering :created_at.desc, :as => :most_recent_order
end # class

The ::cache_ordering method accepts a subset of the params for an Origin #order_by query operation, e.g.:

  • :first_field.desc, :second_field
  • { :first_field => -1, :second_field => :asc }
  • [[:first_field, :desc], [:second_field, 1]]


Creating an ordering cache also creates the following helpers. The name of the generated helpers will depend on the sort params provided, or the name given via the :as option (see below). For example, providing :as => :alphabetical_order will generate helpers #next_alphabetical, #prev_alphabetical, and ::reorder_alphabetical!.


Finds the next document, based on the stored ordering values.


Finds the previous document, based on the stored ordering values.


(Class Method) Loops through the collection and sets each item's field to the appropriate ordered index. Normally, this is handled on item save, but this helper allows a bulk update of the collection when adding the concern to an existing model, or if data corruption or other issues have broken the existing values.


cache_ordering sort_params, :as => :named_order

Sets the name of the generated order field and helpers. If no name is specified, one will be automatically generated of the form first_field_desc_second_field_asc_order.

cache_ordering sort_params, :filter => { :published => true }

Restricts which records from the collection will be sorted to generate the ordering values. If a record is filtered out, its ordering field will be set to nil.


require 'mongoid/sleeping_king_studios/sluggable'

Adds a slug field that automatically tracks a base attribute and stores a short, url-friendly version.

How To Use:

class SluggableDocument
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::SleepingKingStudios::Sluggable

  field :title, :type => String

  slugify :title
end # class


slugify :title, :lockable => true

Allows the slug to be specified manually. Adds an additional #slug_lock field that is automatically set to true when #slug= is called. To resume tracking the base attribute, set :slug_lock to false.


Mongoid::SleepingKingStudios is released under the MIT License.