
Gem Version Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage

Document-level locking for MongoDB via Mongoid. Mongoid-Locker is an easy way to ensure only one process can perform a certain operation on a document at a time.

Tested against:

  • MRI: 2.3.8, 2.4.5, 2.5.3
  • Mongoid: 4, 5, 6, 7

See .travis.yml for the latest test matrix.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'mongoid-locker'

and run bundle install. In the model you wish to lock, include Mongoid::Locker after Mongoid::Document. For example:

class QueueItem
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Locker

  field :locked_at, type: Time
  field :locked_until, type: Time

  field :completed_at, type: Time

Then, execute any code you like in a block like so:

queue_item.with_lock do

  # do stuff

  queue_item.completed_at =!

The #with_lock function takes an optional handful of options around retrying, so make sure to take a look.

The default timeout can also be set on a per-class basis:

class QueueItem
  # ...
  timeout_lock_after 10

Note that these locks are only enforced when using #with_lock, not at the database level. It's useful for transactional operations, where you can make atomic modification of the document with checks. For example, you could deduct a purchase from a user's balance ... unless they are broke.

More in-depth method documentation can be found at

Customizable :locked_at and :locked_until field names

By default, Locker uses fields with :locked_at and :locked_until names which should be defined in a model.

class User
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Locker

  field :locked_at, type: Time
  field :locked_until, type: Time

Use Mongoid::Locker.configure to setup field names which used by Locker for all models where it's included.

Mongoid::Locker.configure do |config|
  config.locked_at_field = :global_locked_at
  config.locked_until_field = :global_locked_until

class User
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Locker

  field :global_locked_at, type: Time
  field :global_locked_until, type: Time

The locker method in your model accepts :locked_at_field and :locked_until_field options to setup field names which used by Locker for the model. This can be useful when another library uses the same field for different purposes.

class User
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Locker

  field :locker_locked_at, type: Time
  field :locker_locked_until, type: Time

  locker locked_at_field: :locker_locked_at,
         locked_until_field: :locker_locked_until

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MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.