Class: MongoMapper::Plugins::Associations::ManyPolymorphicProxy

ManyDocumentsProxy show all
Defined in:

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Proxy

#association, #proxy_owner, #target

Method Summary

Methods inherited from ManyDocumentsProxy

#<<, #build, #create, #create!, #delete_all, #destroy_all, #nullify, #replace, #save_to_collection

Methods included from DynamicQuerying::ClassMethods


Methods inherited from Collection

#[], #each, #empty?, #length, #read, #reset, #size, #to_a, #write

Methods inherited from Proxy

define_proxy_method, #initialize, #inspect, #loaded, #loaded?, #proxy_method, #proxy_respond_to?, #read, #reload, #replace, #reset, #respond_to?, #write

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from MongoMapper::Plugins::Associations::Proxy

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class MongoMapper::Plugins::Associations::ManyDocumentsProxy