Mongo Sugar Build Status

Provide a syntatic sugar for MongoDB ruby driver, similar to an ORM.

But it isn’t another ORM. If you need relationship features, you should use MongoID, MongoMapper, or, why not - a relational database.


Add mongo-sugar to your gemfile:

gem 'mongo-sugar'

Require it on your code:

require 'mongo-sugar'

Define classes as collections. By default, collection names are the class name underscored. On the following example, the collection name is my_collection.

class MyCollection < Mongo::Sugar::Collection
  # Define your custom methods, like this:
  def do_upsert(hash)
      key: hash[:key]
    }, {
      :$addToSet => {
        :value => hash[:value]
    }, :upsert => true)

You can customize the collection names using store_in, which is similar to mongoid syntax.

class MyCollection < Mongo::Sugar::Collection
  store_in :collection => 'custom_collection'

For more details, read the documentation here.


This library is released under MIT License. Please see LICENSE file.