
!Current version is in Beta - for a safer version use 0.0.9

A little gem that simplifies backing up and copying your mongo dbs.

You can run as a script (eg for cron jobs, or in interactive mode):


It saves your database urls so any task is just a few clicks.

  • backup a database locally
  • backup a database and deploy it to Amazon S3
  • copy a database from one server to another (whilst backing up locally the target db if it exists)


You need to have mongodump and mongorestore on your path.

gem install 'mongo-db-utils'

And then execute:

$ mongo-db-utils console


Only works on ruby 1.9.3 (to_yaml is throwing an error in earlier versions)


Once you launch the console it'll provide you with a set of options - pretty self explanatory. When it does backups it stores them in ~/.mongo-db-utils/backups/. The naming convention is ${server}_${port}/${database_name}/${timestamp}/db


bundle exec rspec spec

#cucumber can't handle interactive CLIs so need to wait on this.
#bundle exec cucumber features

Building source

#run console
bundle exec bin/mongo-db-utils console path_to/config.yml (optional)

#install the gem locally
rake build
gem install pkg/mongo-db-utils.gem

Release Notes

  • - BETA!

    • Added support for Replica Sets
    • console can be run pointing to any config file: console myconfig.yml
    • More specs
    • Added local mongo environment to simplify testing @see: integration-test-env
  • 0.0.9 - First release

    • Copy mongo dbs
    • Back up to S3