Monero Ruby Client

Ruby client to connect and use Monero Wallet RPC.

Disclaimer - before you start - important notice!

To try out please make sure that you run your monerod and your monero-wallet-rpc with the --testnet option. Always use the Testchain to play around. Be careful with your wallet, you might lose coins if you try out on the real chain.

- Testnet Blockexplorer:


For easy installation add gem 'monero' to your Gemfile or run gem install monero


Start your daemon ./monerod --testnet

Start your RPC Client ./monero-wallet-rpc --testnet --rpc-bind-port 18081 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-login username:password --log-level 4 --wallet-dir ./

  • To open a wallet at start use --wallet-file filename and --password pass
  • In case you need to access the client from another machine, you need to set --confirm-external-bind.
  • To be able to create/open other wallets you need to specify --wallet-file /path/to/wallets/on/your/machine
  • if you don't specify --rpc-login a file will be created that stores the login data (cat monero-wallet-rpc.18081.login)

Getting started

Configuration = ""
Monero.config.port = "18081"
Monero.config.username = "username"
Monero.config.password = "password"


Monero Ruby Client is very easy to use. Full documentation of RPC Client:

Get the current address

=> "9wm6oNA5nP3LnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9HjTDpKXAE"

Create a new address for a payment (integrated address)

=> {"integrated_address"=>"A7TmpAyaPeZLnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9HjfufSYUchQ8hH2R272H",

To get the balance of the current wallet (we use the gem 'money')

# returns an ::XMR object which is just a shortcut for ::Money(amount, :xmr)
=> #<Money fractional:9980629640000 currency:XMR>

=> "9.980629640000 XMR"

To get the current block height

=> 1008032

Send XMR to an address via Monero::Transfer.create. If successfull you will get the transaction details. If not succesfull you'll get returned nil.

amount= 20075 #in atomic units. 1000000000000 == 1.0 XMR    
Monero::Transfer.create("A7TmpAyaPeZLnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9HjfwGRvbCHYCZAaKSzDx", amount)
=> {"fee"=>19415760000,

To send payments you can also specify the following options:

options = { fee: fee, mixin: 5, unlock_time: unlock_time, payment_id: "c7e7146b3335aa54", get_tx_key: true, priority: 0, do_not_relay: false, get_tx_hex: true}

Please note that fee is currently ignored by the chain.

To send payments to multiple recipients simply use an array of [:recipient, :amount]. For example:

recipients = [
    {address:A7TmpAyaPeZLnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9HjfwGRvbCHYCZAaKSzDx amount: 1599999},
    {address:A7TmpAyaPeZLnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9Hjftr1RgJ6RM4BMMPLUc amount: 130000},
    {address:A7TmpAyaPeZLnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9HjfrgPgAEasYGSVhUdwe amount: 442130000}

Monero::Transfer.send_bulk(recipients, options)


If this was useful you might consider a small donation:

  • XMR: 4H19KAdSw1pL2v1iaEx31ngQCQcEGobUpevqtzSzKPTAEAt1Ay7NZrQgU6mnN2mVyWi7yk2ig68KsU8bfXQ45ainLTZFWU7m94yT3D9qUX
  • BTC:
  • LTC: