Moments Gem Version

Handles time differences and calculations.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'moments'

And then execute:

sh $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

sh $ gem install moments


```ruby require ‘moments’

t1 = 2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 t2 = # 2020, 8, 6, 19, 29, 6

diff = Moments.difference t1, t2

puts diff.to_hash # { years: 5, months: 7, days: 5, hours: 19, minutes: 29, seconds: 6 }

puts diff.in_months # 67 (5 * 12 + 7) # there are also methods for each component

from =, 8, 4, 15, 52, 25, ‘-06:00’) to =, 8, 18, 15, 52, 31, ‘-06:00’)

difference = Moments.difference(from, to, :precise).in_minutes # returns: 20_160.1 # supports: in_weeks, in_days, in_hours, in_minutes

ago = Moments.ago t1

puts ago.to_hash # { years: 5, months: 7, days: 5, hours: 19, minutes: 29, seconds: 6 }

puts ago.humanized # 5 years, 7 months, 5 days, 19 hours, 29 minutes and 6 seconds

#humanized takes care of signularity and omits 0 values

puts Moments.difference(t1,, 2, 1, 19, 0, 1)).humanized # 1 month, 19 hours and 1 second ```


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