
ModelInfo gem provides all models(available in your application including engine’s model) CRUD and all associations of a model and their CRUD.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'model_info'

And then execute:

$ bundle


To use this gem you just need to mount it in your route file config/routes.rb

mount ModelInfo::Engine => '/model_info'

Then to go to the dashboard hit the url as:

your_application_url /model_info/models you will get all models of your application


You can download CSV JSON and XML formats of your model and associated model.

Working Status

The download option for PDF, EXCEL and DOCX would be provided in an initializer file to make it true or false and also I will provide site logo and title option in an initializer file.

Flash notification will be implemented with pnotify gem.


This engine breaks on polymorphic association.

I am not handling the exceptions so it will break if you will fill bad data or something a model validates upon.

If your are using devise or active_admin then you need to be aware of layout and making it redirect to the page you want if there is any url hit without user login

for example:

layout :determine_layout

def determine_layout
  current_user.nil? ? "devise":"application"

It will collide with my layout so avoid doing this or make your invalid request redirect to the right path.