MMI is some Ruby code that should make downloading and installing modloaders, mods, resource packs and other files for Minecraft easier. Configuring the downloads/installs is done by reading a YAML file.

Ideally, a user would not need to know or write any YAML to create a configuration file. This is still work in progress.

The application is currently CLI-only, but should work on Linux, MacOS and Windows.



To run the application, Ruby version 2.5+ has to be installed. For maximum compatibility, use version 3.0+.


Clone the repository and navigate into its root directory.

$ git clone
# or
$ hg clone

$ cd mmi

Install gem dependencies.

$ bundle install

If you get an error that the lockfile requires bundler version 2.0+, install it first.

$ gem install bundler

Basic usage

In the repository root directory, run exe/mmi.

Syntax: exe/mmi <config file> [action=install]

	where action is one of
		install  - Install the modloader and assets as specified in the config file.
		validate - Validate the config file.
		update   - Update the config file interactively.

The script currently does not support any arguments besides the ones listed above. Trying to get help by running exe/mmi --help or similar will not work.

Example configs

Example configuration files can be found in examples/. They are completely working and download and install files into tmp/ so that your .minecraft folder will stay unharmed.


  • Improve argument parsing.

  • Write tests.

  • Add command to interactively create a config file.

  • Be able to update/change modloader interactively.

  • Be able to remove assets interactively.

  • Think about advising everyone to use another file extension than .yaml (e.g. .mmi, .mmiconf).

  • Try to make a Java-executable .jar file using warbler and JRuby.


Contributions are very welcome. If you intend to create a pull request, please choose a branch name describing its changes (i.e. not some generic term like master or fix, but e.g. fix_typo or add_interactive_update_command).

Please be aware that I have a very specific code style and am interested in keeping it in this repository. Some basic rules are specified in the .editorconfig file, which your editor should support. Other code style rules may have to be exactly specified in the future. When in doubt, take a look at the existing code.