
Small Ruby program for properly archiving a mlmmj-managed mailinglist.


Optionally, you can install the rb-inotify gem. This will make a special watching method available for you (see below).


mlmmj-rbarchive is available from RubyGems. Install it as usual:

$ gem install mlmmj-rbarchiver.gem

Alternatively, you can build the very latest code from Git:

$ git clone git://
$ cd mlmmj-rbarchive
$ rake gem
$ gem install pkg/mlmmj-rbarchiver-*.gem


You can choose between using mlmmj-rbarchive as a library or as a commandline program.


The mlmmj-rbarchiver program allows to process any given mlmmj ML directory directly into a browsable HTML mailinglist archive. It is intended to be run regularly from Cron so it is able to cumulatively add any new messages delivered to your ML to the HTML archive.

An example call may look like this:

$ mlmmj-rbarchiver -i /var/spool/mlmmj/mymailinglist -o /var/www/mlarchive

This will take all mails found in /var/spool/mlmmj/mymailinglist/archive and output them to /var/www/mlarchive/mymailinglist in a month-year-ordered format. Note you still have to provide a toplevel index.html yourself.

The program features a good number of commandline options; run it with -h to get a summary. For styling you might especially be interested in the -s option. You might also use a configuration file with -c that allows you to specify some options once and for all; see the rbarchiver.conf file in the extra/ directory for an example of how it could look like.


To use it as a library, first create a new archiver:

require "mlmmj-archiver"

a ="output", # Target directory for all the messages
                                header: "<p>My ML archive</p>", # HTML to display at the top
                                stylefile: "/stylesheets/archive.css") # CSS stylesheet to reference from the HTML files

This will create an archiver that places the resulting HTML files below a directory output below the current directory. To actually add an mlmmj ML do the following:

a << "/var/spool/mlmmj/my-ml"

Note you don’t have to specify the "archive" directory below my-ml manually. Next, create an empty file my-ml/control/webarchive. This signals mlmmj-rbarchive that you really want this ML to be processed; without this file, the directory is skipped even though you have added it to the archiver.

You can now preprocess the mails into a hierarchical year-month directory structure so that before the messages get passed to MHonArc they are already nicely sorted:


You have to rerun this method each time you want to update the HTML mail archive. If you have the rb-inotify gem installed however, you can leverage Linux’ inotify utility and watch the MLs’ directories for mails instead:


This will reprocess the mailinglist as new messages arrive.

Finally, start the conversion process:


I want more output!

Do this before you start adding mailinglists to the archiver:

a.debug_mode = true


To get a more thorough documentation, run this:

$ rake docs

You will then end up with some more detailed docs in a directory html below the current working directory.


mlmmj-rbarchive makes a web archive from your mlmmj-archive. Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Marvin Gülker

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

The MHonArc template file is based on mlmmj-archiver by Andreas Schneider, which can be found here: It is GPL-copyrighted free software, hence this is also GPL’ed free software.

You can contact me at quintus ät quintilianus döt eu.