
Quick and dirty tool to mass create repositories on Github.

To install: gem install mkghrepo


Usage: mkghrepo [options] [<filename>]

Repository options:
    -p, --private      make the repository private
    -t, --create-team  creates a team called "<foo>-write", default is false
    --token            sets github token, defaults from GITHUB_TOKEN

Other options:
    -h, --help         print this help
    -v, --version      print the version

mkghrepo accepts one repository per line as input, either stored in a file or passed through STDIN, the formats supported are:

<org>/<repo> [<user1> <user2> ... <userN>]



If users are listed and the -t flag has been specified in the run, a team called <repo>-write will be created and those users added to it. The users must already be part of the organization or they will be skipped (a warning will be displayed).


By default, debug events are not logged, to see them, set MKGHREPO_LOG to DEBUG in your shell environment.