
This is a rails 3 mountable engine.

It allows you to see which locales have missing entries. You probably want to use it in your development/staging environment.


On your Gemfile:

gem 'missing_i18n'

On your config/routes.rb:

unless Rails.env.production? # optional, but recommended
  mount MissingI18n::Engine, :path => '/missing_i18n'

After that, you can go to http://localhost:3000/missing_i18n to get a list of all the locales and their missing keys.

Customization & scope filtering

You can override MissingI18n' only view by creating any of the following files:

  • app/views/missing_i18n/locales/index.html.erb
  • app/views/missing_i18n/locales/show.html.erb

You can similarly override MissingI18n controller by defining app/views/missing_i18n/locales_controller.rb.

Finally, you will probably want to add "ignored paths" to missing_i18n, for example for avoiding certain groups of prefixes.

To ignore (for example) the entries inserted by the Faker, create an initializer file with this text:

# config/initializers/missing_i18n.rb

if defined? MissingI18n
  MissingI18n.ignored_scopes += ['faker']

You can add more than one scope on that array. Also, you can add dot-separated scopes ('foo.bar.baz') to filter more precisely.

Notice that missing_i18n ignores some scopes by default. These are scopes missing in some locales of rails-i18n, and in general it is safe to ignore those. If you need to include them in the list, you can; just set MissingI18n.ignored_scopes to whatever you want; just use = instead of +=:

# config/initializers/missing_i18n.rb

if defined? MissingI18n
  MissingI18n.ignored_scopes = ['my.scopes', 'which.dont.include', 'the.default.ones']

Everything will work as long as MissingI18n.ignored_scopes is an array of strings.


This engine has no tests. I'm basically using non-public methods from the i18n gem, so it's extremely brittle and coupled with the implementation details of i18n.

However, you can try the dummy app by executing:

cd test/dummy
rails s

If you then go to http://localhost:3000, you should see some differences between the es and en locales. Try modifying the files inside test/dummy/config/locales and refreshing the page.

Feel free to send me pull requests with tests if you want!