minmb-teambox-client is a Ruby wrapper for Teambox ( www.teambox.com ) API.

  • Wraps the API in a client object with resources

  • Inspired by the philosophy of KISS, minimal spaghetti

Check out the API docs at www.teambox.com/api for more details on the Teambox API.

Note: this is a forked version pushed to RubyGems.org to fill in for the outdated version of the upstream gem.

Getting Started

First, install the minmb-teambox-client gem:

gem install minmb-teambox-client

Now, run “irb -rubygems” and this snippet to get the list of activities:

require 'teambox-client'
client = Teambox::Client.new(:auth => {:username => 'frank', :password => 'papapa'})
puts client.activities

By default, teambox-client will connect to the hosted service at teambox.com/api/1; optionally you can:

client = Teambox::Client.new(:base_uri => 'http://teambox.mysite.com/api/1', :auth => {:username => 'frank', :password => 'papapa'})


See the examples directory.