Minitest Hog

Prints a list of tests that take too long.


gem install minitest-hog


Minitest Hog can be enabled from the command line using the max-memory parameter:

ruby test/example_test.rb --max-memory 16

This would print out a list of any tests that use more than 16k of memory:

# Running:


Finished in 1.001143s

4 runs, 7 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

2 slow tests.
  0) ExampleTest#test_alpha: 31 kb
  1) ExampleTest#test_beta: 18 kb

Usage with Rake

If you run your tests with Rake, set the TESTOPTS environment variable:

rake TESTOPTS="--max-memory 16"


There are many ways to measure memory usage in Ruby. The results from Minitest Hog may not be exact, but should accurately reflect proportional memory usage.


Adam Sanderson (