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Minimum term

This gem can:

  • convert MSON to JSON Schema files
  • read a directory which contains one directory per service
  • read a publish.mson and a consume.mson from each service
  • build a model of your infrastructure knowing
    • which services publishes what to which other service
    • which service consumes what from which other service
    • if all services consume and publish conforming to their contracts.

You likely don't want to use it on its own but head on over to the Old Maid gem which explains things in more detail. If you're just looking for ONE way to transform MSON files into JSON Schema, read on:

Getting started

First, check out this API Blueprint map to understand how API Blueprint documents are laid out:

API Blueprint map

You can see that their structure covers a full API use case with resource groups, single resources, actions on those resources including requests and responses. All we want, though, is the little red top level branch called Data structures.

We're using a ruby gem called RedSnow, which has bindings to SnowCrash which parses API Blueprints into an AST.

Luckily, a rake task does all that for you. To convert all *.mson files in contracts/ into *.schema.json files,

put this in your Rakefile:

require "minimum-term/tasks"

and smoke it:

/home/dev/minimum-term$ DATA_DIR=contracts/ rake minimum_term:mson_to_json_schema
Converting 4 files:
OK /home/dev/minimum-term/contracts/consumer/consume.mson
OK /home/dev/minimum-term/contracts/invalid_property/consume.mson
OK /home/dev/minimum-term/contracts/missing_required/consume.mson
OK /home/dev/minimum-term/contracts/publisher/publish.mson

Tests and development

  • run bundle once
  • run guard in a spare terminal which will run the tests, install gems, and so forth
  • run rspec spec to run all the tests
  • check out open coverage/index.html or open coverage/rcov/index.html
  • run bundle console to play around with a console


By converting all files in a directory this gem will build up the following relationships:

  • Infrastructure
    • Service
    • Contracts
      • Publish contract
      • PublishedObjects
      • Consume contract
      • ConsumedObjects