
A Rails authentication gem that takes a minimalist approach. It is designed to be simple to understand, use, and modify for your application.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'minimalist_authentication'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Create a user model with email for an identifier:

bin/rails generate model user active:boolean email:string password_hash:string last_logged_in_at:datetime

OR create a user model with username for an identifier:

bin/rails generate model user active:boolean username:string password_hash:string last_logged_in_at:datetime


Include MinimalistAuthentication::User in your user model (app/models/user.rb)

class User < ApplicationRecord
  include MinimalistAuthentication::User

Include MinimalistAuthentication::Controller in your ApplicationController (app/controllers/application.rb)

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include MinimalistAuthentication::Controller

Include MinimalistAuthentication::Sessions in your SessionsController (app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb)

class SessionsController < ApplicationController
  include MinimalistAuthentication::Sessions

Add session to your routes file (config/routes.rb)

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resource :session, only: %i(new create destroy)

Include Minimalist::TestHelper in your test helper (test/test_helper.rb)

class ActiveSupport::TestCase
  include MinimalistAuthentication::TestHelper


Customize the configuration with an initializer. Create a minimalist_authentication.rb file in /Users/baldwina/git/brightways/config/initializers.

MinimalistAuthentication.configure do |configuration|
  configuration.user_model_name           = 'CustomModelName'   # default is '::User'
  configuration.session_key               = :custom_session_key # default is :user_id
  configuration.validate_email            = true                # default is true
  configuration.validate_email_presence   = true                # default is true
  configuration.request_email             = true                # default is true
  configuration.verify_email              = true                # default is true
  configuration.       = :custom_path        # default is :root_path
  configuration.logout_redirect_path      = :custom_path        # default is :new_session_path
  configuration.email_prefix              = '[Custom Prefix]'   # default is application name


Use MinimalistAuthentication::Password.create to create a password for fixture users.

  email:          [email protected]
  password_hash:  <%= MinimalistAuthentication::Password.create('password') %>

Verification Tokens

Verification token support is provided by the MinimalistAuthentication::VerifiableToken module. Include the module in your user class and add the verification token columns to the database.

Include MinimalistAuthentication::VerifiableToken in your user model (app/models/user.rb)

class User < ApplicationRecord
  include MinimalistAuthentication::User
  include MinimalistAuthentication::VerifiableToken

Add the verification_token and verification_token_generated_at columns: Create a user model with email for an identifier:

bin/rails generate migration AddVerificationTokenToUsers verification_token:string:uniq verification_token_generated_at:datetime

Email Verification

Include MinimalistAuthentication::EmailVerification in your user model (app/models/user.rb)

class User < ApplicationRecord
  include MinimalistAuthentication::User
  include MinimalistAuthentication::VerifiableToken
  include MinimalistAuthentication::EmailVerification

Add the email_verified_at column to your user model:

bin/rails generate migration AddEmailVerifiedAtToUsers email_verified_at:datetime


Pre 2.0 versions of MinimalistAuthentication supported multiple hash algorithms and stored the hashed password and salt as separate fields in the database (crypted_password and salt). The current version of MinimalistAuthentication uses BCrypt to hash passwords and stores the result in the password_hash field.

To convert from a pre 2.0 version add the password_hash to your user model and run the conversion routine.

bin/rails generate migration AddPasswordHashToUsers password_hash:string!

When the conversion is complete the crypted_password, salt, and using_digest_version fields can safely be removed.


Build Status


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.