
MiniScheduler adds recurring jobs to Sidekiq.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mini_scheduler'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mini_scheduler

In a Rails application, create files needed in your application to configure mini_scheduler:

bin/rails g mini_scheduler:install
rake db:migrate

An initializer is created named config/initializers/mini_scheduler.rb which lists all the configuration options.


Create jobs with a recurring schedule like this:

class MyHourlyJob
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  extend MiniScheduler::Schedule

  every 1.hour

  def execute(args)
    # some tasks

Options for schedules:

  • every followed by a duration in seconds, like "every 1.hour".
  • daily at: followed by a duration since midnight, like "daily at: 12.hours", to run only once per day at a specific time.

To view the scheduled jobs, their history, and the schedule, go to sidekiq's web UI and look for the "Scheduler" tab at the top.