Build Status # MiniMongo

A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo


Ruby Versions

This ODM works and is consistently tested on: CRuby 1.9.x, JRuby (in 1.9 mode) and Rubinius (in 1.9 mode). CRuby 2.0 isn’t supported right now since bson_ext dependency is failing during install.

We don’t have plans to support 1.8.x rubies


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'mini_mongo'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mini_mongo



To get started configure the ODM with your db info using your database url

ruby MiniMongo.configure do |config| config.database_url = "mongodb://:@localhost:27017/posts" config.slave_ok = true # by default is false end

or passing directly all the params

ruby MiniMongo.configure do |config| config.db_name = "posts" config.db_user = "" config.db_password = "" config.db_host = "localhost" config.db_port = "27017" end


```ruby require “mini_mongo” MiniMongo.configure do|config| config.database_url = “mongodb://:@localhost:27017/posts” end

class Post < MiniMongo::Base maps :posts end


# Post.insert(=> “Chuck Norris”) # => #<Post:0x007fe5240f42c0 @id=”5016af53bda74305f1000002”, @author=”Chuck Norris”>

Post.find(“id” => “5016af53bda74305f1000002”)

# => #<Post:0x007fe5240cc360 @id=”5016af53bda74305f1000002”, @author=”Chuck Norris”> # # Find cursor method sort, limit and skip support # Post.find(=> “5016af53bda74305f1000002”, => 1) # => #<Post:0x007fe5240cc363 @id=”5016af53bda74305f1000003”, @author=”Bruce Lee”> # # Post.update(“5016af53bda74305f1000002”, “author” => “chuck norris”) # => #<Post:0x007fdc7c171c80 @author=”chuck norris”, @id=”5016af53bda74305f1000002”> # #Post.count # => 1 # #Post.remove(“5016af53bda74305f1000002”) # => true # #Post.remove_all # => true ```


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request