There's a lady who sures all that glitters is gold
and she's buying a stairway to heaven -- Led Zeppelin


mini-train is an attempt to fork from a rack project(rack-golem) into a very simple web mini-framework (thats the name mini-train)

Install with: (there are no gems yet, so don't try to install right now)

sudo gem install mini-train

You can use as a start up file as for any rack app based

require 'models' # Loads your models and all ORM stuff
require 'app' # This is the main file
require 'json' # Some help from other gems
use Rack::ContentLength
use Rack::Session::Cookies
run App

Now save this into app.rb

require 'minitrain'

class App
    include Minitrain # Still no classes to inherit but don't worry just await!

    before do
      # Here you can do many things
      # In order to help you here are some variables you can read and override:
      # @r => the Rack::Request object
      # @res => the Rack::Response object
      # @action => Name of the public method that will handle the request
      # @action_arguments => Arguments for the action (really?)

  helpers do
            #altough you can write many things in before block
            #you always need helpers for your main app
            def help(with)
                "Helping the World!"

    def index(*args)
      # When no public method is found
      # Of course you don't have to declare one and it is gonna use Controller#not_found instead
      # Still can have arguments
      @articles = Post.all
      erb :index

    def post(id=nil)
      @post = Post[id]
      if @post.nil?
        erb :post

    def best_restaurants_json
      # mini-train replaces dots and dashes with underscores
      # So you can trigger this handler by visiting /best-restaurant.json
        'title' => 'Best restaurants in town',
        'list' => Restaurant.full_list

    def say(listener='me', *words)
      "Hey #{listener} I don't need ERB to tell you that #{words.join(' ')}"

    def not_found(*args)
      # This one is defined by mini-train but here we decided to override it
      # Like :index this method receives the arguments in order to make something with it
      Email.alert('Too many people are looking for porn here') if args.includes?("porn")

    def error(err, *args)
      # Again this one is defined by mini-train and only shows up when RACK_ENV is not `nil` or `dev` or `development`
      # Default only prints "ERROR"
      # Here we're going to send the error message
      # One would rarely show that to the end user but this is just a demo

    after do
      Spy.analyse.send_info_to([:government, :facebook, :google, :james_bond])
      #this was a joke


You need to provide the class Post in your models. Class Spy doesn't exist so you need to create it (he he, just kidding).

WHAT mini-train DOES NOT

  • Support templates other than ERB (Slim, Haml and other tilt based templates has been added)
  • Session/Cookies administration (Like for many things, use a middleware instead ex: Rack::Session::Cookies)
  • Prepare the coffee (Emacs does but i had never used it, just geany)
  • So many things, but what is a fork for...