Inline docs


This is a set of Mina TASKS that can help you provision a Rails Server


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mina-serverbuild'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mina-serverbuild


In your config/deploy.rb file, please add the following line

require 'mina/serverbuild'

This will add a set of tasks, allowing installation of various 'standard' packages to build a server

You should now be able to run

mina serverbuild:part1
mina serverbuild:part2

to give you a server ready for deployment

You can add the following variables to your deploy.rb file to customise the installation, the default values are currently for an Ubuntu 14.04 installation

set :deployment_platform, "ubuntu"
set :platform_codename, "trusty"
set :database_server, "postgresql"
set :web_server, "nginx"
set :ruby_manager, "rbenv"
set :ruby_version, "2.1.2"
  • deployment_platform

    • ubuntu
      • platform_codename Supported platforms are 12.04 (precise), and 14.04 (trusty)
    • redhat (work in progress)
  • ruby_manager

    • rbenv
    • rvm (work in progress)
  • web_server

    • nginx
    • apache


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