Mina Puma

Mina tasks for handle with Puma using systemd.

This gem provides several mina tasks:

mina puma:reload          # Restart puma (using phased restart)
mina puma:restart         # Restart puma (using stop, then start)
mina puma:start           # Start puma
mina puma:stop            # Stop puma
mina puma:status          # Get status
mina puma:enable          # Enables systemd service
mina puma:disable         # Disables systemd service


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mina-puma-systemd', require: false

And then execute:

$ bundle

Note: by just including this gem, does not mean your development server will be Puma, for that, you need explicitly add gem 'puma' to your Gemfile and configure it.


Add this to your config/deploy.rb file:

require 'mina/puma-systemd'

Make sure the following settings are set in your config/deploy.rb:

  • deploy_to - deployment path
  • rails_env - rails environement (will default to production)

Make sure the following directories exists on your server (they are added automatically to shared_dirs:

  • shared/tmp/sockets - directory for socket files.
  • shared/tmp/pids - directory for pid files.

You can tweak some settings:

  • puma_systemctl - systemctl command, default is sudo systemctl. Other option would be systemctl --user if you have setup pumas as user service.
  • puma_service_name - puma service name , default is puma_#{fetch(:application_name)}_#{fetch(:puma_env)}

Setting up server

mina puma:install       # copies templates for puma config and systemd service to config/deploy/templates
mina puma:print         # prints generated config files to stdout
mina puma:print_service # prints generated systemd service to stdout
mina puma:print_config  # prints generated puma.rb to stdout
mina puma:setup         # install config files on service in enables systemd service

Later commmand relies on sudo to work. If you don't want to grant sudo, print config files to console and install em manually.


$ mina puma:start


require 'mina/puma-systemd'

task :deploy do
  deploy do
    invoke :'git:clone'
    invoke :'deploy:link_shared_paths'

    on :launch do
      invoke :'puma:reload'

sudo configuration

By default plugin relies on sudo to run systemctl command. You should give proper permissions to the user which runs your app.

Cmnd_Alias SERVICES = /usr/bin/systemctl start *, /usr/bin/systemctl stop *, /usr/bin/systemctl reload *, /usr/bin/systemctl restart *, /usr/bin/systemctl status *, /usr/bin/systemctl enable *, /usr/bin/systemctl disable *
deploy          ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: SERVICES

If you are paranoid, substitute * with exact service name. Better option would be to run as user service, but it did not work for me out of box on AWS AMI2.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request