Next Generation Mina Puma

I refactor mina-puma( ) because of the below:

  1. phased_restart and restart need start puma correctly when puma is down.
  2. phased_restart and restart should confirm puma restart successfully.
  3. Add smart_restart mode, it will first try to do phased_restart, when failed, using hard_restart instead.

Mina tasks for handle with Puma.

This gem provides several mina tasks:

mina puma:smart_restart   # Restart puma ( phased_restart then hard_restart )
mina puma:phased_restart  # Restart puma (using phased restart)
mina puma:hard_restart    # Restart puma (using stop, then start)
mina puma:restart         # Restart puma (using pumactl)
mina puma:start           # Start puma
mina puma:stop            # Stop puma
mina puma:status          # Get status


Add this line to your Rails application’s Gemfile:

gem 'mina-ng-puma', require: false

And then execute:

$ bundle

Note: You should remove mina-puma gem to ignore namespace conflict if you have install it before.

$ gem uninstall mina-puma


Run: mina init to generate config/deploy.rb file if you have not configured it yet.

Add this to your config/deploy.rb file:

require 'mina/puma'

Make sure the following settings are set in your config/deploy.rb:

  • deploy_to - deployment path

Make sure the following directories exists on your server:

  • shared/tmp/sockets - directory for socket files.
  • shared/tmp/pids - directory for pid files.

OR you can set other directories by setting follow variables:

  • puma_socket - puma socket file, default is shared/tmp/sockets/puma.sock
  • puma_pid - puma pid file, default shared/tmp/pids/
  • puma_state - puma state file, default shared/tmp/sockets/puma.state
  • puma_stdout - puma redirect path for stdout, default shared/log/puma.log
  • puma_stderr - puma redirect path for stderr, default shared/log/puma.log
  • pumactl_socket - pumactl socket file, default shared/tmp/sockets/pumactl.sock
  • puma_root_path - puma command execute root path, default current


$ bundle exec mina puma:start


```ruby require ‘mina/puma’

Add pids and sockets directories to shared dirs

set :shared_dirs, fetch(:shared_dirs, []).push(‘log’, ‘tmp/pids’, ‘tmp/sockets’)

task :deploy do deploy do invoke :’git:clone’ invoke :’deploy:link_shared_paths’ …

on :launch do
  invoke :'puma:smart_restart'
end   end end ```


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