
Custom mimetype from TOML to XML


  • You need Ruby and Gems (gems comes with ruby) Install this gem with ```shell gem install mimetype-xml

You might want to run this with sudo,

or add the Gem userdir to the beginning of your $PATH variable

like so in your bashrc: PATH=$(ruby -e 'print Gem.user_dir')/bin:$PATH

This depends on your platform.

## Usage
Create the TOML config (`./custom-mime.toml`):
# Optional variables ard marked with `(opt.)` in a
# comment at the end of the line

# Add mimetype for elixir files

type    = "application/x-elixir"
pattern = ["*.ex", "*.exs"] # Always in an array
                            # (even if only one pattern, e.g. ["*.ext"])

comment      = "Elixir File" # Default language
comment_lang = [ ["no", "Elixir Fil"], ["la", "Ordo Elixir"] ] # etc. (opt.)

icon = "mimetypes/application-x-elixir.svg"
size = 48 # I don't really know

xml_file = "elixir-file-mimetype.xml" # (opt.), not useful...

# Another for crystal files

type = "application/x-crystal"
pattern =  ["*.cr"]
comment = "Crystal File"
icon = "mimetypes/application-x-crystal.svg"
size = 48

# That simple to add new mimetypes, just make the icon in the
# path specified in the `icon` variable. 
# e.g. 'mimetypes/appliaction-x-myfile.svg'

Then generate the xml files and install it through a ruby script (./generate-mimetypes.rb):

require 'mimetype_xml'
require 'toml' # `toml` comes with this gem (`mimetype_xml`)

xml = MimetypeXML::Generate.toml_file(
  :file      => './custom-mime.toml', # The location of the TOML config
  :xml_dir   => '/usr/share/mime/packages/', # Make sure the dir is writable for the user, run `sudo chmod 777 /usr/share/mime/packages/`
  :icon_pack => '~/.icons/YOUR_ICON_PACK' # Replace this with the install dir of your iconpack

files = xml.write_files

Then run the script from your shell:

ruby ./generate-mimetypes.rb

The binary file doesn't do anything at the moment.