
migrate-well is a very simple gem for Rails 3. It adds a rake task db:migrate:well that runs rake db:migrate, rake db:migrate:redo, rake db:test:prepare and annotate (only if the annotate gem is installed).

It has been tested with Rails 3.0.3.

To install: add gem "migrate-well" in your Gemfile and run bundle install

To run: rake db:migrate:well


  • redo=false: don't run the db:migrate:redo task
  • test=false: don't run the db:test:prepare task
  • anno=false: don't run the annotate command


  • run without annotating: rake db:migrate:well anno=false
  • run without annotating and without redoing the migration: rake db:migrate:well anno=false redo=false


  • allow passing of options to the annotate command
  • tests...