Module: MiGA::RemoteDataset::Base

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Constant Summary collapse

@@_EBI_API =
lambda { |service, q|
  q[:api_key] = ENV['NCBI_API_KEY'] if ENV['NCBI_API_KEY']
  uri_safe_join(@@_EUTILS, "#{service}.fcgi")
    .tap { |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(q) }

Structure of the different database Universes or containers. The structure is a Hash with universe names as keys as Symbol and values being a Hash with supported keys as Symbol:

  • :dbs => Hash with keys being the database name and the values a Hash of properties such as stage, format, map_to, and getter.

  • uri => Function producing a parsed URI object, accepting one parameter: a Hash of options.

  • method => Method used to query the URL. Only :rest and :net are currently supported.

  • map_to_universe => Universe where results map to. Currently unsupported.

  • scheme => Function returning the scheme used as a String (ftp, http, https). Mandatory if method is :net.

  web: {
    dbs: {
      assembly: { stage: :assembly, format: :fasta },
      assembly_gz: { stage: :assembly, format: :fasta_gz },
      text: { stage: :metadata, format: :text }
    uri: lambda { |opts| URI.parse(opts[:ids][0]) },
    scheme: lambda { |opts| opts[:ids][0].split(':', 2)[0] },
    method: :net
  ebi: {
    dbs: { embl: { stage: :assembly, format: :fasta } },
    uri: lambda do |opts|
        @@_EBI_API, 'dbfetch', 'dbfetch', opts[:db], opts[:ids], opts[:format]
    method: :get
  gtdb: {
    dbs: {
      # This is a dummy entry plugged directly to +ncbi_asm_get+
      assembly: { stage: :assembly, format: :fasta, getter: :ncbi_asm },
      # The 'taxon' namespace actually returns a list of genomes (+format+)
      taxon: {
        stage: :metadata, format: :genomes, map_to: [:assembly],
        extra: { sp_reps_only: false }
      # The 'genome' namespace actually returns the taxonomy (+format+)
      genome: { stage: :metadata, format: 'taxon-history' }
    uri: lambda do |opts|
      uri_safe_join(@@_GTDB_API, opts[:db], opts[:ids], opts[:format])
        .tap { |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(opts[:extra]) }
    method: :get,
    map_to_universe: :ncbi,
    headers: lambda { |_opts| { 'Accept' => 'application/json' } }
  seqcode: {
    dbs: {
      # These are dummy entries plugged directly to +ncbi_*_get+
      assembly: { stage: :assembly, format: :fasta, getter: :ncbi_asm },
      nuccore:  { stage: :assembly, format: :fasta, getter: :ncbi_gb },
      # This is the list of type genomes
      :'type-genomes' => { stage: :metadata, format: :json }
    uri: lambda do |opts|
      uri_safe_join(@@_SEQCODE_API, "#{opts[:db]}.json")
        .tap { |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(opts[:extra]) }
    method: :get,
    map_to_universe: :ncbi
  ncbi: {
    dbs: {
      nuccore: { stage: :assembly, format: :fasta, getter: :ncbi_gb },
      assembly: { stage: :assembly, format: :fasta, getter: :ncbi_asm },
      taxonomy: { stage: :metadata, format: :xml }
    uri: lambda do |opts|
        db: opts[:db], id: opts[:ids], rettype: opts[:format], retmode: :text
    method: :get
  ncbi_map: {
    dbs: {
      nuccore: {
        stage: :metadata, map_to: [:biosample, :assembly], format: :json
      biosample: { stage: :metadata, map_to: [:assembly], format: :json }
    uri: lambda do |opts|
      @@_EUTILS_BUILD[:elink, {
        dbfrom: opts[:db], id: opts[:ids], retmode: opts[:format]
    method: :get,
    map_to_universe: :ncbi
  ncbi_summary: {
    dbs: { assembly: { stage: :metadata, format: :json } },
    uri: lambda do |opts|
        db: opts[:db], id: opts[:ids], retmode: opts[:format]
    method: :get
  ncbi_search: {
    dbs: {
      assembly: { stage: :metadata, format: :json },
      taxonomy: { stage: :metadata, format: :json }
    uri: lambda do |opts|
        db: opts[:db], term: opts[:ids], retmode: opts[:format]
    method: :get
  ncbi_datasets_download: {
    dbs: { genome: { stage: :assembly, format: :zip } },
    uri: lambda do |opts|
      q = { include_annotation_type: 'GENOME_FASTA' }
        @@_NCBI_DATASETS, opts[:db], :accession, opts[:ids], :download
      ).tap { |uri| uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(q) }
    method: :get,
    headers: lambda do |opts|
      {}.tap do |h|
        h['Accept'] = 'application/zip' if opts[:format] == :zip
        h['api-key'] = ENV['NCBI_API_KEY'] if ENV['NCBI_API_KEY']
  ncbi_datasets: {
    dbs: {
      genome: {
        stage: :metadata, format: :json, extra: { action: 'dataset_report' }
    uri: lambda do |opts|
      uri_safe_join(@@_NCBI_DATASETS, opts[:db], opts[:extra][:action])
    payload: lambda do |opts|
      query = opts[:ids][0]
      q = {
        filters: {
          assembly_version: 'current',
          exclude_paired_reports: true
        }.merge(query[:filters] || {}),
        page_size: query[:page_size] || 1_000,
        returned_content: 'COMPLETE'
      q[:page_token] = query[:page_token] if query[:page_token]
      q[:taxons] = query[:taxons] if query[:taxons]
    headers: lambda do |opts|
      {}.tap do |h|
        h['api-key'] = ENV['NCBI_API_KEY'] if ENV['NCBI_API_KEY']
        h['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' if opts[:format] == :json
    method: :post