Middleman Sync

Synchronise your Middleman build to S3 and more

Middleman-Sync is a Middleman extension that wraps the excellant Asset Sync to allow for both a CLI and after_build hook to your Middleman build's


If you already have a Middleman project:

Add gem "middleman-sync", "~> 3.0.9" to your Gemfile then open up your config.rb and add:


# Activate sync extension
activate :sync do |sync|
  sync.fog_provider = 'AWS' # Your storage provider
  sync.fog_directory = 'bucket-name' # Your bucket name
  sync.fog_region = 'bucket-region-name' # The region your storage bucket is in (eg us-east-1, us-west-1, eu-west-1, ap-southeast-1 )
  sync.aws_access_key_id = 'super' # Your Amazon S3 access key
  sync.aws_secret_access_key = 'secret' # Your Amazon S3 access secret
  sync.existing_remote_files = 'keep' # What to do with your existing remote files? ( keep or delete )
  # sync.gzip_compression = false # Automatically replace files with their equivalent gzip compressed version
  # sync.after_build = false # Disable sync to run after Middleman build ( defaults to true )


# Activate sync extension
activate :sync do |sync|
  sync.fog_provider = 'Rackspace' # Your storage provider
  sync.fog_directory = 'bucket-name' # Your bucket name
  sync.fog_region = 'bucket-region-name' # The region your storage bucket is in
  sync.rackspace_username = 'super' # Your Rackspace username
  sync.rackspace_api_key = 'secret' # Your Rackspace API Key
  sync.existing_remote_files = 'keep' # What to do with your existing remote files? ( keep or delete )
  # sync.gzip_compression = false # Automatically replace files with their equivalent gzip compressed version
  # sync.rackspace_auth_url = 'domain' # Your Rackspace auth URL
  # sync.after_build = false # Disable sync to run after Middleman build ( defaults to true )

Google Storage

# Activate sync extension
activate :sync do |sync|
  sync.fog_provider = 'Google' # Your storage provider
  sync.fog_directory = 'bucket-name' # Your bucket name
  sync.fog_region = 'bucket-region-name' # The region your storage bucket is in
  sync.google_storage_access_key_id = 'super' # Your Google Storage access key
  sync.google_storage_secret_access_key = 'secret' # Your Google Storage access secret
  sync.existing_remote_files = 'keep' # What to do with your existing remote files? ( keep or delete )
  # sync.gzip_compression = false # Automatically replace files with their equivalent gzip compressed version
  # sync.after_build = false # Disable sync to run after Middleman build ( defaults to true )


Once you've bundled you should be able to run:

# Turn off after_build in your sync config to disable middleman sync running after each build
middleman build
# Manually sync your current build directory
middleman sync

Sync to multiple targets

Middleman and Middleman-Sync are both environment agnostic. To be able to sync different versions of Middleman to different locations ( eg staging, production ) You might try running middleman build with environment varibles swapping out the sync credentials that need changing pre requirements.

Modifying the activate area to use an ENV['FOG_DIRECTORY'] would allow you to run FOG_DIRECTORY=example-staging middleman build which then would sync to a different bucket on S3.

# Activate sync extension
activate :sync do |sync|
  sync.fog_provider = 'AWS' # Your storage provider
  sync.fog_directory = ENV['FOG_DIRECTORY'] # Your bucket name
  sync.fog_region = 'bucket-region-name' # The region your storage bucket is in
  sync.aws_access_key_id = 'super' # Your Amazon S3 access key
  sync.aws_secret_access_key = 'secret' # Your Amazon S3 access secret
  sync.existing_remote_files = 'keep' # What to do with your existing remote files? (keep or delete)
  # sync.after_build = false # Disable sync to run after Middleman build ( defaults to true )

