
What and Why

middleman-org is an extention for middleman to generate static pages from org file. It is highly inspired by the offical blog extention middleman-blog, but it is not another blogging extention.

Advantages of using middleman-org


Org mode is powerful as a whole system. You expect connections between files. Or being able to reference some kind of resource files (e.g. input data, image etc.) within org. middleman-org preserve the complete structure of your system, so that you will have the whole set exported with no breaking links.

No more front mater

Is it just me or... I found the yaml front mater is just annoying in such scenario. You don't want to pollute your org files with it, do you? middleman-org uses native org-mode in buffer settings as metadata of your article. So instead of

title: my polluted article
date: 2015-04-09
tags: polluted, lame

You can use

#+TITLE: my awesome article
#+DATE: <2015-04-09 Thu>
#+KEYWORDS: awesome nice

Selective Publish

This is implemented by org-ruby, the rendering engine we use in middleman-org. Just simply apply export settings natively in your org file, sections with exclusion tags will not be published.


Add middleman-org to your Gemfile and run bundle install.


And activate it in config.rb.

activate :org

With default settings, create a folder org inside your source folder and dump all your org files into it. If you use git to manage your org files, it is highly recommaned to add your org repository as a submodule.

option default meaning
layout 'layout' article specific layout
root 'org' root folder for org files (relative to source folder)
prefix nil prefix on root and destination path