
Liaison is a fancier sounding name for a Middleman; it is also a heavily opinionated Middleman project, which is setup with HAML and Sass (instead of ERB & Less), and preconfigured with the Bootstrap framework, Font-Awesome and GitHub Octicons for icons, Kramdown for rendering markdown content, and Rouge syntax highlighting for all of your code highlighting needs.

If you agree with this collection of tools for building websites, the Liaison project is intended to make it really easy to jumpstart new middleman projects.

Getting started

Clone the repo, then:

cd liaison
bundle install
bundle exec middleman

Now go visit http://localhost:4567 from your browser. If you see a message that says "MIDDLEMAN IS WATCHING" you're all set! Click the "Example Documentation" button to view rendered Markdown content.


Please refer to the corresponding project licenses for the latest information regarding their licensing requirements. For reference, here is a summary of all licenses used in teh Liaison project: