
middleman-jspm adds support for using JSPM in Middleman.


To get started using Middleman, install middleman and make a project:

gem install middleman
middleman init PROJECT

Once that's done, add gem "middleman-jspm", :git => "https://github.com/oncomouse/middleman-jspm.git" to your Gemfile and run bundle update


activate :jspm

The bundle defaults to source/javascripts/jspm_packages for installing packages. If you want to use something else, you can activate with:

activate :jspm, :jspm_dir => "source/js/jspm_packages"


As middleman-jspm manages your javascript for you, you should consider adding ignore "javascripts/*" to your configure :build section of config.rb. Doing so will prevent the site from building your javascript files unnecessarily.

Setting Up Node

This project relies on Node.js to run JSPM. You will need to install it before you can use this gem.

After you have installed node, run:

npm install jspm
middleman jspm init

JSPM will ask if you want it to configure config.js. Say yes.

You can now install packages by running middleman jspm install <packagename> according to JSPM's settings.

Defining Modules

middleman-jspm will only compile files defined in its module.json file at build time. This file can either be stored in the same directory as config.rb or included as a sprockets asset in the default javascript directory. The ability to use sprockets means you can build the JSON file with ERuby if you want to dynamically determine which modules to compile.

modules.json defines an array of module objects defined on the following format (where all properties except name are optional):

        "name": "main",
        "include": [
        "exclude": [
        "self-executing": true

The above modules.json file will build a module named main that, in addition to dependencies defined in the file, will include jQuery but will not include React. The module will also compile as self-executing (which means JSPM will not add system.js and config.js) to the resulting file.

Building JSPM Pages

This is a minimal working example, that includes the module in main.js and all of it's dependencies:

<!doctype html>
        <meta charset='utf-8'>
        <!-- Always force latest IE rendering engine or request Chrome Frame -->
        <meta content='IE=edge,chrome=1' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'>
        <title><%=current_page.data.title || "The Middleman"%></title>
        <%= jspm_include_environment %>
        <div id="app"
        <%= jspm_include_module("main") %>

jspm_include_environment includes the SystemJS and configuration files needed by JSPM and will include the correct files for both build and development environments. If all modules defined in modules.json are self-executing, this command returns nothing.

jspm_include_module(<name>) includes a module into the present document and will include the correct files, in the correct manner, for both build and development environments.

Other Helpers

Finally, there is also a helper called jspm_path(<name>, [<source>]) that can give you the path of a file installed with JSPM. For instance, to look the path of jquery that was installed from github, you would use jspm_path("components/jquery", "github") to get the path of the jquery used by JSPM. The helper works the same way for NPM packages.

Additional Help

An example setup is posted at http://github.com/oncomouse/middleman-jspm-example