
========== These are a set of methods for length, volume, temperature, area and the like that help a user convert to or from English units to Metric units. This was done as a class exercise in 67-275 at Carnegie Mellon University, with a pair of students tackling each of the submodules and writing the necessary tests.


Installing this gem is pretty simple -- just type on the command line:

$ gem install metric_conversions 

And add this gem into any other code with:

require 'rubygems'
require 'metric_conversions' 


There are currently four submodules to this gem:

  • Lengths
  • Volumes
  • Temperatures
  • Areas


This gem enables you to convert between typical metric and US Standard units. By calling .convert on a number and passing in two arguments, units from and units to, you can convert the given number into its equivalent in the "to" units.

Example: 250.convert("in", "cm")

This module was built by Rachel Crown and Dylan Corwin.


... notes and explanation goes here ...

This module was built by and .


... notes and explanation goes here ...

This module was built by and .


Area.convert_[input unit]todesired unit


Area.convert_m_to_mm(1) #=> 1000

This module was built by Carlos Diaz-Padron.

Note on tests

Each submodule of the gem has a set of basic tests associated with it. The tests provide other examples of what is possible using this methods and may help the user further understand how this gem can be applied. The testing suite requires the minitest gem to run properly. Matt Sears has a nice quick reference guide for using minitest at:


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request