
Rails engine responsible for rendering the MoJ Form Builder metadata into GOV.UK design system components.


gem 'metadata_presenter'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install metadata_presenter

Setup & Mount

To mount the application:

  mount MetadataPresenter::Engine => '/'

Or if you are using for another route (like the MoJ Editor as preview feature):

  mount MetadataPresenter::Engine => '/preview', as: :preview

The MetadataPresenter controllers inherits from your main ::ApplicationController as default but you can overwrite if you need:

  MetadataPresenter.parent_controller = '::MyAwesomeController'

The application that you mount requires to save and load user data from some store (session or a backend API or direct to a database). In order to do that you need to write the following methods in your controller:

  1. save_user_data
  2. load_user_data
  3. editable?
  4. create_submission
  5. assign_autocomplete_items
  6. reference_number_enabled?
  7. show_reference_number

The user answers can be accessed via params[:answers].

An example of implementation:

 class MyAwesomeController
   def save_user_data
     session[:user_data] = params[:answers]

   def load_user_data

The editable? is related if the pages and components could be editable in the mountable app:

  class MyAwesomeController
    def editable?
    helper_method :editable?

The create_submission is related to process the submission in a backend service.

The autocomplete_items takes the components on a page and retrieves any items for them that may exist. For the Editor it will make an API call, for the Runner it will look it up via an environment variable.

reference_number_enabled? method checks whether reference number is enabled in the Runner or Editor app. For the Runner app reference number is enabled when the ENV['REFERENCE_NUMBER'] variable is present. In the Editor, reference number enabled is checked by checking the ServiceConfiguration table.

show_reference_number method will present the placeholder reference number if viewing in the Editor/Preview or will present a generated reference number if in the Runner.

Generate documentation

Run rake doc and open the doc/index.html