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MessageMedia Ruby SDK

This library provides a simple interface for sending and receiving messages using the MessageMedia SOAP API.

If you have any issue using this sample code, or would like to report a defect, you could create a new Issue in Github or Contact us.


The messagemedia-ruby Gem can be installed from Rubygems:

gem install messagemedia-ruby


The following actions have been implemented:

  • sendMessages
  • checkUser
  • checkReplies
  • checkReports
  • confirmReplies
  • confirmReports

Initialise the client

Initialise the client using your MessageMedia username and password:

require 'messagemedia-ruby'

client =, YOUR_PASSWORD)

Send Messages

To send a single message:

client.send_message(<TO_NUMBER>, <MESSAGE>, <MESSSAGE_ID>)

To send multiple messages:

# Construct the first Message object
message1 =
message1.content = "Content of Message"
message1.delivery_report = true
message1.origin = "My Company"
message1.add_recipient(FIRST_MESSAGE_ID, TO_NUMBER)

# Construct the second Message object
message2 =
message2.content = "Content of Message"
message2.delivery_report = false
message2.origin = "My Company"
message2.add_recipient(SECOND_MESSAGE_ID, TO_NUMBER)

client.send_messages([message1, message2])

Other Actions

Check out 'example.rb' in the 'bin' directory to see examples of how you can use the other actions provided by this SDK.


We welcome contributions from our users. Contributing is easy:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a Pull Request